Cloud-based Privileged Access Management vs Traditional Privileged Access Management

August 20, 2021

Cloud-based Privileged Access Management vs Traditional Privileged Access Management

Privileged access management (PAM) is an essential part of an organization's security posture. PAM helps organizations keep their sensitive data secure by managing and controlling access to their critical systems and data. As more organizations move their workloads to the cloud, cloud-based privileged access management has become an increasingly popular option. In this blog post, we will provide an unbiased comparison of cloud-based privileged access management and traditional privileged access management in terms of security.

Traditional privileged access management

Traditional privileged access management relies on on-premises software that is installed and managed locally. This software manages and controls access to critical systems and data, ensuring that only authorized users have access to them. Traditional PAM solutions also provide logging and auditing capabilities, which enable organizations to keep track of who has accessed their data, what actions they have taken, and when they have done so.

Traditional PAM solutions are often seen as being more secure than cloud-based solutions because the on-premises software is less susceptible to hacking attempts. However, on-premises software can be difficult and expensive to manage and maintain, requiring dedicated IT resources to ensure that the software is up-to-date, secure and running smoothly. This can make traditional PAM solutions a costly option for organizations.

Cloud-based privileged access management

Cloud-based privileged access management, as the name suggests, is a PAM solution that is delivered through the cloud. Unlike traditional PAM solutions, cloud-based solutions don't require on-premises software to be installed, managed, and maintained. Instead, they are hosted in the cloud and managed by a third-party provider.

Cloud-based PAM solutions offer several benefits over traditional solutions. They are often more affordable than traditional solutions, as they don't require on-premises software or dedicated IT resources to manage and maintain them. Cloud-based solutions are also more scalable than traditional solutions, as they can be easily and quickly expanded to accommodate growing businesses and workloads.

While cloud-based PAM solutions may be seen as less secure than traditional solutions, they are often subjected to more rigorous security testing and have many built-in security features such as multi-factor authentication, encryption, and real-time monitoring.


So, which is better: cloud-based privileged access management, or traditional privileged access management? The answer, as with many things in life, is that it depends on your organization's needs.

Traditional PAM solutions are more secure on the surface since hackers must physically access on-premises software to gain entry to a network. However, hackers can still gain access to critical systems remotely through phishing attempts, and the on-premises software may be vulnerable to attacks if it isn't kept up-to-date with the latest security patches.

Cloud-based PAM solutions, on the other hand, are more affordable and scalable than traditional solutions. Cloud-based solutions also offer several security features that traditional solutions don't have, such as real-time monitoring and multi-factor authentication.

So, when choosing between cloud-based PAM and traditional PAM, it's essential to assess your organization's needs and weigh the benefits and drawbacks of each solution carefully.


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